Monday, September 15, 2008

The Climate Changes

As I see the images of Hurricane Ike sweeping through Texas just 3 years after Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, I wonder what it will take for people to believe in climate change.

The reason I ask this is because Sarah Palin, who will be U.S vice-president if John McCain get elected, do not believe that climate change has anything to do with mankind. She admits that there is climate change (which means he’s already better than Bush), but say that it is a natural occurrence and do not believe man has anything to do with it. This view is directly against the views of the scientific community but sadly she is not alone.

Here in Singapore most people will give you a blur face when you asked them about climate change. Despite all the warnings and images on TV, they don’t know and frankly don’t care. They are wrong as climate change is something that will affect everyone.

I just hope it doesn’t take a cyclone to hit Singapore to change people’s minds here.

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