Tuesday, November 24, 2009

PSLE Results

In Singapore, the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) results will be out on Thursday. Every year, students aged 12 will take the PSLE exams to decide which secondary school they will enter. The results of the PSLE will decide the rest of their lives.

Yes, all this at age 12!

A man in Singapore can live till he is over 75, our retirement age is 65 and the rest of these students lives will be decided at 12! I have always been against PSLE as the kids are way too young to have their lives decided at this age. Frankly I find it incredibly unreasonable to expect children at age 12 to know how important the PLSE is to them. I remember at 12, I thought of the PSLE as another exam. An important one but I don’t remember thinking of it as life-defining. However that’s what the PSLE is; a life-defining exam…at age 12!

Since there’s nothing I can do about it, all I can do is to wish all the children taking the PSLE the best of luck on Thursday.

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