Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Deep, Deep Movie

I had a review of the movie Avatar last week where I talked about the pros and cons of the movie. However if you go through the internet, you will see that my review lack something most reviews has; a social message!

I have seen Avatar and I think I must have missed something because I cannot remember any social message in the movie. Yet if you read the reviews everywhere (everywhere outside my blog), everyone seems to be putting James Cameron up as some sort of activist.

Currently I have read that James Cameron is a pro-nature, anti-war, anti-imperial, pro-American Indian, pro-white Messiah, anti-humans activist. And these are just the ones I had read.

So to all those who had read my review of Avatar; I am very, very sorry. I thought Avatar as nothing more than a high tech, high explosion blockbuster with a lousy love story but instead it is actually a deep, deep movie with all sorts of (very) subtle messages that was too much for me.

I mean even the Vatican newspaper reviewed the movie and accuse Cameron of trying to replace God with a natural entity. Man, how did I miss something like that!

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