Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Don't They Have Better Things To Do?

Yesterday I watched an episode about illegal trafficking on National Geographic called “Inside”. In it there was a big segment on how a lot of the illegal trade in Europe went through the port of Naples, Italy.

It was a good show where they said corruption in Italy help the illegal trade. I’m not certain how true the show is but as Italy is the home of the Mafia, I think it’s safe to say there is a lot of crime in Italy. There is a lot of work for the Italian police, but instead of fighting crime they fined a woman 500 euros for wearing a burqa.

Now this is the first fine of its kind in Italy but what the hell is the Italian police doing fining a woman for wearing a burqa? Is there no crime to fight in Italy that they have to fine a 26-year-old woman walking down a street with her husband? What’s worse; the reason for the fine was because it was a “security problem”.

It’s a security problem because she was wearing a burqa? Well according to “Inside”, there is a REAL security problem in Italy called illegal trafficking! Maybe the Italian police should concentrate more on real crime then fining women who are just walking down a street.

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