Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Maybe A Zoo Lost It?

Amazingly, I still find people who question whether there is such is a thing called ‘global warming’. Despite all the evidence, they question whether global warming is ‘real’? If ice really melting in the Arctic? If global warming is just a conspiracy theory?

Well a grey whale off the coast of Israel has, once again, proved that there is such a thing called ‘global warming’. Yes you read that right, this is a whale off Israel! If you are wondering why you never heard of whales off Israel before, this is because grey whales have not been seen in the Atlantic ocean since the 1700s! Grey whales are only seen in the Pacific Ocean, on the other side of the Americans continent!

Naturally scientists are excited over the first grey whale in the Atlantic in over 200 years and they believed the whale reached the Atlantic through an Arctic sea route called the Northwest Passage. The Northwest Passage connects the Pacific and Atlantic oceans and is normally covered with ice. The fact that the grey is currently in the Atlantic is because the ice in the Arctic has melted to such a degree that the whale managed to swim through this corridor.

Another proof of global warming but will it convince skeptics? Somehow I doubt it as they probably say the whale was lost by a zoo or something.

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