Thursday, October 4, 2012

Comics this week

Earth 2 #5- Things got into high gear here as the Wonders of Earth 2 takes on Rotworld Gundy. However, as good as the action is, the main high point for me was the introduction and hints of the other Wonders on Earth 2. The Sandmen, Captain Steel, Red Tornado, Sloan; if you include the Atom and Hawkgirl, the guys at the World Army have been busy. Good action with strong layout of the future sound like a great issue to me.   
Green Lantern #13- Writer Geoff Johns is trying to do something different with Baz, the latest Green Lantern. I know that but he need to move things into gear quickly. This issue has more focus on the reactions of the US Government and Baz’s family than with anything to do with Baz itself. Nothing wrong with that but with a brand new GL on the table, it’s strange to see the reactions of other people instead of Baz himself. Hopefully, things will get better because Baz seem an interesting character like a GL who could be considered a villain on Earth kind of way.

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