Saturday, March 15, 2014

Comics this week

Astro City #10- I know fans of Samaritan, the Confessor and Winged Victory will disagree but I'm glad this story arc is over. Writer Kurt Busiek tried his best but this arc just didn't work as well as his earlier 1-2 issues short stories. Those were great, this is just good.

Green Lantern #29-Ever since he took over as leader of the Green Lantern Corps, Hal Jordon’s reign has been nothing short of an absolute total disaster. It’s so bad that even Hal had noticed it. His move to assemble a council is a good step by writer Robert Venditti as it open up new possibilities for his supporting cast and also gives Hal someone to sound off on. I especially like the grudging acceptance of Hal that the Guardians he so despise may not have it as easy as he thought. This isn’t the greatest of issues but it does set up a lot of possibilities for the future.

Superman/Wonder Woman #6- Give writer Charles Soule credit; not only did he manage to have a good handle on Superman and Wonder Woman, he now manage to give them a kick ass confrontation with Zod. As good as the action is (thanks to artist Tony Daniel), the main storyline of this series so far has been the question of whether Superman and Wonder Woman works as a couple. On that question, the answer in this issue has been a resounding "Yes"! The only problem I have with this issue is the fact that many action scenes had to be skipped as Soule and Daniel tried to cram too many things in too little pages. Outside that, this issue is great. 

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